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Non-partisan voter links

Our PTA does not endorse candidates, only positions. For information about those positions and where our candidates stand on them, visit some of the non-partisan organizations listed below.

PTA Legislative Positions: Our Texas PTA’s statement outlining the opinion, will or intent of the association to address statewide problems, situations or concerns that affect children and youth.

AmIRegistered.com: Use this site offered by the Texas Secretary of State to check your voter
registration status.

Austin League of Women Voters: A nationally recognized non partisan organization dedicated to civic education and voter registration.

BeATexasVoter.org: The League of Women Voters of Texas in partnership with Dallas County Community Colleges created this voter education series to help young people better understand their role as citizens in our state.

Texans for Public Education: Detailed ratings of how supportive representatives are of public education based on their legislative history.

Texas Voter ID Rules: Ensure you go to the polls with the right kind of ID.

Votar en Texas: Everything you need to know about voting in Texas in Spanish.

VoteTravis.com: Polling locations, sample ballots, voter information and more.

Who Represents Me?: Provides information about current districts and members of the Texas Senate, Texas House of Representatives, the Texas delegation to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and the State Board of Education.